In Novemeber of 2017 I was invited to produce artwork for a new beer style for the Banded Brewing. The Beer is called Petit Bière and was made as a homage to the city Banded Brewing resides in. After brainstorming and connecting with Bandeds graphic design department, we decided on producing artwork that represented the Mill complex of Biddeford, a spraling landscape of buildings that at one point was the empicenter of commerce in the city, that has now be revitalized for small business, including Banded Brewing. The cutout of the mill building is surrounded in diffrent 3 dimensional shapes, acting as puzzle pieces.
The beer was originally produced in a small batch but soon became one of Bandeds fall/winter seasonal products. Banded Brewing can be found a beir cellars in the North East, and other specialty liquor stores.
Banded Brewings Website